Open Dutch Summer Cup
On Sunday the 19th of June the Open Dutch Summer Cup will take place at Olympos Sportscentre in Utrecht!
The competing teams are:
Ruhr Phoenix
Wageningen Werewolves
Dom Tower Dementors
NRW (Merc team with players of Ruhr Phoenix en Rheinos Bonn)
North Sea Nargles
Darmfurt (Merc team with players of Darmstadt Athenas en Frankfurt Mainticores)
Volunteering sign-ups are closed.
Volunteering schedule
Accomodation sign-ups are closed.
Important dates for teams/players:
19 may - Team/merc signups close. Volunteering signups open.
12 june - Definitive rosters teams. Volunteering signups close.
13 june - Player fee deadline
Player Guide:
Gameplay scheme
Provisional Dayscheme
9:00h - Players present
9:20h - Captains meeting
9:30h - Referee meeting
10:00h - Round 1 Groupfase
11:00h - Round 2 Groupfase
12:00h - Round 3 Groupfase
13:00h - Pauze
14:00h - Semi-finales
15:15h - 3rd and 5th place matches
16:30h - Finale
17:45h - Award ceremony / End of tournament
18:00u - 22:00u Diner / Social at the Sportscafé