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Open Dutch Summer Cup

On Sunday the 19th of June the Open Dutch Summer Cup will take place at Olympos Sportscentre in Utrecht! 


The competing teams are:

  • Ruhr Phoenix

  • Wageningen Werewolves

  • Dom Tower Dementors 

  • NRW (Merc team with players of Ruhr Phoenix en Rheinos Bonn)

  • North Sea Nargles 

  • Darmfurt (Merc team with players of Darmstadt Athenas en Frankfurt Mainticores)

Volunteering sign-ups are closed.


Volunteering schedule

Accomodation sign-ups are closed.

Important dates for teams/players:
19 may - Team/merc signups close. Volunteering signups open.
12 june - Definitive rosters teams. Volunteering signups close. 
13 june - Player fee deadline


Player Guide:  



Gameplay scheme
Provisional Dayscheme


9:00h - Players present

9:20h - Captains meeting

9:30h - Referee meeting


10:00h - Round 1 Groupfase

11:00h - Round 2 Groupfase

12:00h - Round 3 Groupfase


13:00h - Pauze


14:00h - Semi-finales

15:15h - 3rd and 5th place matches

16:30h - Finale

17:45h - Award ceremony / End of tournament


18:00u - 22:00u Diner / Social at the Sportscafé

© 2016 by Dom Tower Dementors , gemaakt met

Practice times & Location

Saturday 11:00h - 13:00h*

Park Transwijk, Utrecht

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Tel: 06-30003780

*Please note: Sometimes we'll move practices because of other quidditch related events. Please contact us in advance if you want to attend a practice. 

Wednesday 19:30 - 21:30*
Kastelenplantsoen, Utrecht

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