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What is quidditch?

via Quidditch Nederland


Quidditch is a co-ed sport and consists of elements of different sports, like handball, rugby and dodge ball. It is a relatively young sport that started in 2005 in the United States. Worldwide there are several hundreds to thousands of teams/clubs active. This happens (for example) in national and international tournaments like Dutch Cup (NC), European Quidditch Cup (similar to the Champions League), European Games (EC) and the World Cup (WC). The diverse elements make quidditch a very exciting and challenging game to play. Tackling is allowed and tactical insight is a necessity!



At first sight quidditch might seem somewhat chaotic, but in short this is what it is all about:


A team consists of seven players. While playing they must be mounted on their brooms at all times. They play the opposing team on an oval shaped pitch with three hoops on either side.


The chasers try to score with the quaffle (a slightly deflated volleyball) through one of these hoops, which will earn them ten points. To prevent the opposing team from scoring, each team has a keeper.

Benelux Cup 2016 - Beelden uit "Jan Rijdt Rond" - Quidditch in 15 seconden

In addition every team has two beaters, who try to hit the players of the opposing team with bludgers (dodge balls). Ones you’re hit you’re off your broom and you need to run back to your hoops in order to start playing again.

And last but not least, every team has a seeker. This person has to catch the snitch. The snitch runner is a neutral player and is dressed in yellow with a tennis ball in a sock attached to their clothing. Catching the snitch will end the game and earn the team that has caught the snitch 30 points. The team has the highest number of points at the end wins the game!

Quidditch is een voorloper in sport wat betreft genderneutraliteit en inclusiviteit

Gender rule

Quidditch is more than a sport. It is a welcoming, inclusive community. It doesn’t matter what your background is, quidditch is open to everyone. Because of its origins in literature, a very mixed group of people play quidditch. You will find both Potterheads and athletes, and everyone in between playing quidditch alongside each other. 

Inclusivity and diversity are very important for the game of quidditch. Perhaps the best example of this is the ‘four maximum rule’, also known as ‘the gender rule’.


"A quidditch game allows each team to have a maximum of four players, not including the seeker, who identify as the same gender in active play on the field at the same time. The gender that a player identifies with is considered to be that player’s gender, which may or may not be the same as that person’s sex."

- USQ Rulebook 8


We acknowledge that not all players identify as either male or female or within this binary gender system. We welcome players of all genders and identities into our community and competition.

Would you rather watch a video to see what quidditch is about? You'll find an introduction to quidditch on the right made by UBC Quidditch, from Vancouver. 


Or are you enthusiastic and want to see more? On Netflix you can watch the quidditch documentary "Mudbloods". 


Do you want to know more about the rules? You find the complete USQ Rulebook 9 here . You can find a Dutch summary here


You can also just come by at one of our practices and try it for yourself. Just send us a message in advance!  

Want to know more?

© 2016 by Dom Tower Dementors , gemaakt met

Practice times & Location

Saturday 11:00h - 13:00h*

Park Transwijk, Utrecht

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Tel: 06-30003780

*Please note: Sometimes we'll move practices because of other quidditch related events. Please contact us in advance if you want to attend a practice. 

Wednesday 19:30 - 21:30*
Kastelenplantsoen, Utrecht

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